Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Dempsey Challange...I'm late!

OK OK,  I should have done this a while ago but my tardiness will keep you from procrastinating.   The Dempsey challenge is in a little over two weeks and I've only raised a hundred bucks.  This year I have joined with Team Bilodeau which not only includes a group of riders I have joined the last few years but it is a positive tracks team which means that your donations get matched!  It's that simple.
This will be my 10th year doing the challenge.  It honestly seems like I've been doing it forever but checking back a few blogs. I see that I started doing it in 2009.  I've rallied my friends, family and co-workers to donate over $10,000 over that time period.  Thank You!

One big change is that the route is totally different this year.  I'm not sure why but I'll welcome the change.  So don't be looking for Patrick over in Raymond of Otisfield because he won't be there.

Since I'm late I'll leave it at that.  If you didn't like the link above you can use this more traditional one.

Since I'm a nice guy I'll give you a link to Donate To Kelly in case you wanted to donate to both of us. ;)

Photo ID
Team Edwards

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