When I was young our mountain bikes didn't have any shocks and we liked it that way. Actually, they hadn't been invented yet but we liked to ride so I guess in a sense we did like it that way. The Bridgstone wasn't my first mountain bike and it was far from my last mountain bike but it is my longest running mountain bike.
My first mountain bike was actually a Diamond Back Ascent. The strange thing is I can't remember where I got it and I can't remember how I got rid of it but I do remember riding it...A LOT, around Orono, ME. It was pretty small for me but I didn't care, I just jacked the seat up and rode it through the woods.
Not my MB-3. This wasn't my Ascent either but it looked very similar. |
Next came a Giant Iguana. I only vaguely remember buying it (actually I don't think I do) but I do remember selling it. Must have had that bike for about 3-4 years. I can't remember that either. But I do remember riding it. Or I could remember riding my Bridgestone. I can't remember that but it must be true. I could browse the interweb to find a picture of a similar bike but I won't bother. From what I remember (which obviously isn't much) the Giant was a decent bike so if you find one cheap, give it a try as a commuter rig.
So, on to the point of this story, a
1994 Bridgestone MB-3 Bicycle. I do remember buying this at
National Bike and Ski in Freeport. OK, so they are Freeport bike and ski now but it's the same store, mostly. (Side note, I think I actually bought the Giant here too) (Second side note: I never bought bikes online back then because online hadn't really been invented either, maybe AOL). I didn't realize it at the time but I was buying a bike that would be a cult classic. 1995 was the last year the Bridgestone would import it's well made bikes into the US.
I also remember riding this bike, and I rode it quite a bit. I haven't thought back on those days for a while but I'd get home from work almost every decent summer day and head for about an hour of trails. I guess I was always passionate about my riding. Then life changed and the bike went into storage for what could have been eternity but it wasn't. I got back into biking pulled the trusty MB-3 out and started riding the trails again after 10ish years. This is when I realized that full suspension had fully developed and my older bones (and back) were ready. But I had a plan.
Shiny new fenders |
My trusty old MB-3 would be converted into my foul weather commuter. I fitted it with road friendly tires and fenders and it was re-born (praise
doG). A few years (could be months) later I bought a pair of
studded tires for it so I could ride it year round. That was 3 years ago and the bike is still going strong through the worst conditions.
Shimano Ice Technologies Rev 1.0 |
So here we are, 20 years later and the bike is still going strong. It now has 7 other bikes to compete with and holds the spot as the second slowest bike in the stable but it
still comes out to play. The bike still mostly has it's original bits and pieces aside from the ones I broke off and replaced. It has lovingly been given the name "The Tank" not that it is that heavy but it goes through most anything. Actually, it is listed at 26.7 lbs which isn't that shabby for a steel bike built 20 years ago. It probably weighs in at 36 with the extra fenders and heavy tires I run. I'll even
take it through the trails, fenders clacking, when I'm feeling nostalgic.
So, if you find one of these at your local bike shop take a second look because it's a decent sturdy bike that goes and goes and goes.